So, the time has come for change and I’m going to be relocating to London (again) I am so incredibly excited and can’t wai to get down to the fair city permanently in just a couple of weeks.
The last 6 months have seen change and reassessment, th fire is well an truly raging the belly and the ginger alliance has brought me incredible times.
So I’m moving to the amazing area of Hackey, surrounded by music, musicians, artists and a lot a love. Expect to see some fantastic things coming out the Mike Nisbet Camp soon, new tunes as gigs galore.
For now, I am on a train to Glasgow, it’s far too hot and I need some sleep.
P.s. food blog beginning soon….
The Timorous Beasties
So this week, and a bit of next, I’m on your with the fantastic Rosie Bans and Anna MacDonald. Playing shows in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Ayr, Dundee and Skye, spreading the word that being ginger is the only way forward (we didn’t plan the ginger theme, but nice it worked out that way)
So I’m sitting with new friends on the Isle Of Skye, drinking some Jura, and looking forward to some tunes tonight.
There’s still time to catch the tour as we roll into Glasgow at The Roxy 171 on Friday night. £5 on the door!
For now I’m enjoying the view
Shit, well it has been a hell of a while since I posted on this lovely website, and there has been plenty going on, so here goes it.
I’ve had some great love from The Pop Cop, who named me one of the ones to watch for 2012
and also listed my album ‘Vagrant’ joint 4th best record of the year
Earlier in the year I did a session for Elba studios. Where, after a little wine, I played some tunes and was interview by Kim. They were nice enough to feture me in their Elba Annual 2011
Just before the joy that was Christmas I was lucky enough to travel over to the beautiful Isle Of Mull and support Mull Historical Society at their home town show in Tobermory (Balamory) check out an audience video of the show here
In January I went on a tip to London to play a couple of great shows. First at The Bedford, and then The Slaughtered Lamb, I seriously hope to make it back to both venues. good times and much wine were had, not a lot of sleep but many friends make. (Do check out (Annie Lovell and Hannah White)
So I guess that’s the highlights, keep it short and sweet, and I’ll be paying more attention to this site over the next year, so keep your eyes peeled for exciting news and a hell of alot of shows this year.
Love Mx
What else?
So it’s been a while since I posted here, time for an update.
There have been a few great show these past couple months, Nathaniel Rateliff, Withered Hand, my first show at The Arches with the wonderful Mark Eitzel and a headline show in Glasgow, I hope some of you made it along to these gigs, if not I’ll be back out soon with an arsenal of new material!
Apart from that I guess there’s not alot to tell, new songs, what else is there?
Love m x
Wee Red Bar
Edinburgh has been nice to me so far, and last night I did a little show at The Wee Red Bar.
My first Edinburgh show was here, about 3 years ago and I remember playing to the other acts on the bill, the bar staff and the sound guy (which was quite a goo tun out for a show in those days) last night was different. Thanks to everyone who came down.Whole new bunch of exciting show to come soon, new songs. New times.
Last minute glasgow show 25/09/2011
This sunday night (25th Septmeber) I’ll be opening Communion show at Stereo, tickets are £6adv/£7on the door
Happy Saturday night
No Mean City – For The Sake Of A Song
So there is this great little city festival starting on Monday called No Mean City, a celebration of ‘Americana’ (which has just been added to the oxford english dictionary) and I’m happy to say I’ll be a part of it.
I’ll be playing at set at Captains Rest and 21:45 and hope to see you there.
Great line up for this show including, Liam Cairns, Andrea Marini, Randolphs Leap, Tomas Bird & the Blonde Spirit and The Dirt!It’ll be great
long time no post..
So I’m back, thought I’d do a little post here, fill you in with the details.
A few shows coming up
9th September – City Cafe, Edinburgh
10th September – Captains Rest, Glasgow
11th September – Hootenanny, Invernesshopefully there will be more dates added before long, keep your eyes peeled.
At the start of august, I played a show with Nathaniel Rateliff at Capptains rest, it was a blast, best glasgow show I’ve done in a while, thank you to all that came along.
Also there is a new facebook page for Mike Nisbet, check it out, get your ‘like’ on!
Hope to see you at the shows soon, where you’ll here some new songs.
My Dear Old Struan presents….AN SSC FUNDRAISER
So this saturday night I’ll be doing a set for my friend Ben who has organised a great event!
SCC is a scottish summer camp in scotland for youths to have a good time.
I’ll be supporting the mighty Washington Irving, Bwani Junction and Matt Norris & The Moon!
It’s at Cabaret Voltaire and it’s all for charity! Get yourself down there
Coming Home
On July the 8th I’ll be doing my first headline show in Oban at Cuan Mor, very excited about it. Been a while since I did a show at home, so be sure to get down to this one!
Will have a few locals guys doing support including Dave Ayling, who has been sharing some new songs.
All The Pretty Lights by we looked like giantsIn the mean time I’m off to fix an old guitar, do many things on a sunday
m x